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4 treatments to eliminate white stretch marks that work

Can white stretch marks be removed? The answer is YES. Maybe not 100%, but you will be able to see your skin smooth again and without the white scars on your abdomen or buttocks that worry you so much. Aesthetic medicine clinics offer a range of treatments for white stretch marks that work. Do you want to know what you can do to reduce white stretch marks?

What do we explain in this article?

  • What are white stretch marks and why do they appear?
  • The best treatment for white stretch marks
  • What treatments eliminate white stretch marks?
  • Products to remove white stretch marks.

What are white stretch marks and why do they appear?

White stretch marks are scars that appear on the skin when collagen fibres are broken by sudden stretching. Pregnancy, breastfeeding, sudden weight changes or puberty are critical times for stretch marks to appear on the abdomen, thighs, hips or chest.

Stretch marks start out reddish or purple in colour, like sinuous marks on the skin. These are the easiest to treat, as the reddish colour indicates that blood vessels are still present in the tissue. When they change to white, it means that the tissue has already healed and treatment to remove stretch marks will be more difficult. But not impossible.

The best treatment for white stretch marks

The best treatment for white stretch marks is prevention. It is important to take good care of your diet, to moisturise both inside and out, with good stretch mark prevention creams, especially during pregnancy or puberty.
Do you want to know more about everything you can do to prevent stretch marks? Find out in the article “Best stretch mark removal treatment: prevention”.

What treatments remove white stretch marks?

White stretch marks cannot be 100% removed, but they can be smoothed out and integrated into your skin tone. The treatments for white stretch marks with the best results and without surgery can be found in beauty clinics. Depending on the extent and depth of the scars, the centre will assess the best treatment for your white stretch marks so that you can obtain satisfactory results.

1. Exfoliation

Regular exfoliation removes excess dead skin from the white stretch mark and renews the skin tissue. Starting any treatment with a good exfoliation will improve results. Reducing the dead tissue layer helps treatments penetrate deeper and faster.

2. Microdermabrasion

This is a completely painless treatment for white stretch marks. It is a system to reduce scarring and stimulate the skin to produce collagen and elastin fibres. Several sessions are necessary to see the results.

It is a procedure that does not guarantee the complete elimination of white stretch marks, as it will depend on the severity of the scars.

3. Micropuncture mesotherapy

Micropuncture mesotherapy is a very suitable treatment for white stretch marks, as well as repairing other types of scars such as sun spots, acne scars and enlarged pores.

It consists of microperforations in the skin, practically painless, which open small channels in the dermis to facilitate the penetration and absorption of the active ingredients that are applied. In the treatment against white stretch marks, peptides, growth factors, vitamins, organic silicon and hyaluronic acid, basic nutrients for skin regeneration, are infiltrated.

4. Laser treatment of white stretch marks

Laser treatment heats the surface of the skin where the stretch mark is located, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin. It is an effective treatment as it penetrates into the deep layers of the skin (dermis).

After the first few sessions you will notice that the skin recovers its tone and firmness and the superficial stretch marks disappear. The laser treatment continues its work in the following months regenerating the deeper layers of the skin thanks to the stimulation of collagen and elastin.

Aesthetic medicine clinics can offer two types of laser treatment for white stretch marks:

  • Non-ablative fractional laser: This is gentler, respects the skin surface and avoids burns and possible scabbing.
  • Fractional ablative laser: This is more powerful and is indicated for very deep stretch marks that require more effort to alleviate them.

As there is always a slight discomfort, topical anaesthesia is usually applied before laser sessions for the treatment of white stretch marks. The skin remains reddened for a few hours.

White stretch mark removal products.

Stretch mark removal products work wonders when stretch marks start to appear. There is no such thing as a white stretch mark removal product, but you can act before the tissue is deeply damaged.

If you notice that red stretch marks have started to appear, specific creams like Toskani’s Repairing Gel will help you not only prevent, but also repair the damage to your skin. Its formula, made up of natural products such as vitamin C, Centella asiatica, collagen and elastin, is designed to repair blood flow and promote skin elasticity.

They will also help to hydrate and regenerate the skin after treatment for white stretch marks. Always consult your doctor before applying any topical product.

White stretch marks can be removed with more or less intense treatments in beauty clinics depending on the depth of the stretch marks.

Face cream with sunscreen – protect your face all year round!

The sun can be your best friend but also your worst enemy. Your body needs the sun to improve your mood, strengthen your bones, muscles and immune system. This is all thanks to vitamin D, a vitamin that can only be synthesised by the sun’s rays. According to experts, an exposure of 8 to 15 minutes in summer is enough to get the daily dose your body needs.

If you are in the sun for more than a quarter of an hour, you need to protect your skin against the negative action of ultraviolet rays. It doesn’t matter whether it’s winter or summer, sunny or cloudy. If you want to avoid premature ageing, dehydration and spots, it is essential to use a quality sunscreen. And especially on your face, the area of your body most exposed to the outdoors all year round.

Why you should use face cream with sunscreen, and not just in summer

Did you know that wind, cold and temperature changes also take their toll on your facial skin? When temperatures drop, oil production decreases and your skin’s natural protective film becomes thinner. Your face becomes dehydrated and you may notice a feeling of tightness, redness and flaking. And over time, the premature appearance of wrinkles.

Face creams with sun protection will be our best ally all year round, even in winter. Toskani’s Sun Protection Cream is specially designed to prevent facial dehydration even in winter. Its main active ingredient, urea, has a high moisturising power to combat the effects of cold and wind on the face.

Can I use facial sunscreen if I have oily skin?

If you have oily skin you need the best sunscreen cream for oily skin. A cream that moisturises and protects you from the sun specifically for oily skin.

TSK Sun Protection Cream PRO contains retinol, a vitamin A derivative known for its ability to penetrate into the deepest layers of the skin to renew cells and stimulate the formation of collagen and elastin.

Sun Protection Cream PRO is an anti-acne facial sunscreen because retinol also inhibits the production of excessive oil, reducing shine and preventing clogged pores.

Retinol is perfect for preventing and treating acne due to its anti-inflammatory action. It is exfoliating and regenerating and also softens acne marks and scars. Combined with Mimosa tenuiflora extract, which has antibacterial properties, Sun Protection Cream PRO will give you the sun protection you need to improve the balance of your facial skin.

When should I use an anti-spot facial sun cream?

Spots appear due to an excess of melanin in certain areas of the skin, especially on the face. In addition to excessive unprotected exposure to the sun, blemishes can be related to certain medications or to genetic or hormonal factors.

Melanin is a substance that pigments the skin, hair and eyes. Melanin is responsible for the tan you love. It is your skin’s defence system to absorb ultraviolet rays and prevent cell damage.

But melanin is not foolproof. Prolonged unprotected exposure to the sun can lead to sunburn and, over time, the appearance of spots. You can avoid this by using an anti-spot facial sunscreen with 50 protection such as Sun Protection Cream or Sun Protection Cream Pro and enjoy the outdoors without fear of premature ageing of your face.

Discover the benefits of mimosa extract in facial sun cream

In addition to urea and retinol, Sun Protection Cream includes one of the star products in cosmetics: Mimosa tenuiflora extract, known in Mexico as tepezcohuite. The properties of this tree were already known to pre-Columbian cultures but it was rediscovered in the 1990s when the powdered bark was used to treat burns on patients of the 1985 earthquake.

Known as the skin tree, Mimosa tenuiflora extract, in addition to its regenerative properties, is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial (anti-acne), healing, firming and anti-ageing, thanks to its high tannin (antioxidant) content. Antioxidants increase the skin’s impermeability by blocking the action of free radicals.

The mimosa extract added to the facial sun cream also promotes deep hydration due to its high amino acid content. Amino acids help to reduce water loss, keeping your facial skin hydrated and smooth for longer.

Is it better to use tinted facial sunscreen or sunscreen and make-up?

This is the big question we ask ourselves when winter arrives and we like our face to look slightly tanned. To answer it, we are going to analyse the advantages and disadvantages of each product.

Tinted facial sunscreen aims to protect the skin from the sun’s rays and gives us a touch of colour. It slightly covers imperfections. There are usually only two shades on the market, or one that can be adapted to any skin tone.

The purpose of make-up with sunscreen is to cover imperfections, neutralise redness or cover wrinkles. As an extra, it provides protection and you can find many shades to suit your skin colour.

Therefore, it depends on what you need at any given moment: a natural tone with protection or a great covering power that also protects you from the sun and inclement weather.

At Toskani we are researching these products to be able to respond to your needs with the most innovative solutions.

Would you like to know more about the tanning process and how your beauty salon can help you achieve a perfect tan and prevent skin ageing? Find out in the article “How to get an even and healthy tan this summer”!

Protect your skin from the sun and other external aggressions.

El sol es nuestro mejor amigo para prevenir los déficits de vitamina D, pero también es el principal factor de envejecimiento de nuestra piel. La exposición al sol sin crema con protección solar es la responsable de la aparición de arrugas, manchas y enfermedades cutáneas como el cáncer de piel. Si quieres evitar los signos prematuros de envejecimiento debes incluir en tu rutina diaria una crema hidratante con protección solar durante todo el año. ¿Quieres saber por qué?

Crema hidratante con protección solar. ¿Cómo y cuándo protegerse del sol? 

Necesitas el sol para prevenir la falta de vitamina D y la osteoporosis. Los expertos aconsejan 20 o 30 minutos al día para cubrir las necesidades diarias. El resto de exposición a los rayos ultravioletas (UVB y UVA) es nociva. Todas somos conscientes de la necesidad de protegernos de estos rayos ultravioletas cuando vamos a la playa o a la piscina en verano, pero ¿qué ocurre en invierno o durante el resto del día, cuando no estamos “tomando el sol”? 

El sol incide en cualquier zona expuesta de tu cuerpo incluso cuando caminas por la calle. Los expertos coinciden en que debemos protegernos incluso en invierno. La ropa protege la piel del cuerpo, pero ¿y tu rostro? El frío, el viento, los cambios de temperatura  y la contaminación son también factores muy agresivos para la piel de tu cara. Y debes protegerlo.

Incluir en tu rutina diaria una crema facial hidratante con un spf adecuado a la intensidad del sol y tu tipo de piel es la mejor garantía para evitar la aparición de los signos de envejecimiento en tu cara. 

¿Qué es el SPF y qué indica? Grados de protección.

El SPF (Sun Protection Factor) o FPS en español es el nivel de protección que el protector solar brinda contra los rayos UV. El número indica el grado de protección que ofrece, aunque la diferencia entre ellos no es tan grande como podríamos creer. 

Según la American Cancer Society, ninguna crema solar con spf brinda una protección total. Por tanto, vamos a ver qué grado de protección ofrece cada spf.

  • Cremas con protección solar 100. Filtran aproximadamente el 99% de los rayos UV.
  • Cremas con spf 50. Protegen del 98% de los rayos nocivos del sol
  • Protectores solares con spf 30. Evitan el 97% de los rayos UVB.
  • Cremas con spf 15. Filtran solamente el 93%. La American Cancer Society advierte que este factor protege únicamente de las quemaduras del sol, pero no contra el cáncer y el envejecimiento.

Además, debes tener en cuenta que si te bañas o sudas al hacer deporte deberás volver a aplicar la crema. Las cremas que indican que son resistentes al agua (waterproof) deben indicar los minutos que duran, que pueden ser entre 40 y 80 al nadar o transpirar. Y recuerda que si te secas con una toalla ¡te habrás llevado toda la crema! Así que no olvides volver a aplicártela cada vez.

¿Puedo combinar la crema facial con crema solar con spf?

No solo puedes, sino que debes hacerlo. Las cremas hidratantes con protección solar deberían formar parte de tu rutina diaria en cualquier época del año. Sun Protection Cream y Sun Protection Cream Pro de Toskani son cremas hidratantes con protección solar 50 diseñadas para cualquier tipo de piel (normal, seca y mixta). 

Sun Protection Cream Pro incluye además retinol, una de las formas de vitamina A más potente contra el envejecimiento. El retinol estimula la producción natural de colágeno y acelera la renovación celular, combatiendo las manchas oscuras y las arrugas.

¿Qué hacer en otoño para recuperar la piel dañada por el sol?

Si notas que tu piel ha perdido luminosidad después del verano, los meses de octubre y noviembre son los mejores para regalarte algún tratamiento profesional. Recuerda que después de los tratamientos en cabina, es imprescindible que continúes en casa con una línea de cosméticos que te ayuden a prevenir la deshidratación, la flacidez y la aparición de manchas.

La línea de cosméticos Radiance de Toskani está pensada para ayudarte a prevenir el envejecimiento de tu rostro y prolongar los efectos beneficiosos de los tratamientos en cabina. 

Empieza tu rutina las ampollas Toskani Radiance o el serum Toskani Radiance Mesoserum, según prefieras. Cuando se hayan absorbido, aplícate Radiance Daily Cream o Sun Protection Cream Pro con factores de protección contra los rayos UV. ¡Y no olvides proteger el contorno de ojos con Radiance Eye Contour!

Cómo cuidar tu piel de otras agresiones externas

Como decíamos al principio, la piel de tu rostro recibe las agresiones de otros factores además del sol. La contaminación ambiental y la luz azul de las pantallas agreden también nuestro cutis sin que nos demos cuenta. 

Son responsables también de la aparición prematura de los signos del envejecimiento. Resecan la piel, destruyen el colágeno en la dermis –un efecto parecido al de los rayos UVA- y pueden provocar estrés oxidativo en las células de la piel. 

¿Qué puedes hacer? Además de usar una buena crema hidratante con protección solar y antioxidantes. Las ampollas Anti-Pollution Ampoules de Toskani son un tratamiento intensivo diario con vitaminas A, B3, C y E, conocidas por sus efectos antioxidantes.

Recuerda que la mejor manera de evitar los signos del envejecimiento de la piel de tu rostro es la protección. Además de la crema hidratante con protección solar, cúbrete con un sombrero de ala ancha en verano, busca la sombra entre las 10 de la mañana y las 4 de la tarde, cuando los rayos solares son más fuertes y evita las cabinas de bronceado y las lámparas solares.

La piel de tu rostro recibe agresiones a diario. Evita la aparición prematura de manchas y arrugas con una crema hidratante con protección solar.

Why you should apply sunscreen to your eye area

The eye area is the area of the face with the most delicate skin. Protecting it from the harmful effects of the sun’s rays is a must if you want to avoid premature signs of ageing such as sagging or wrinkles.

Sunbathing is healthy for our body. It increases our vitality and stimulates the formation of vitamin D, so necessary for good bone health and the digestive system. The sun, however, has harmful rays that, without proper protection, cause premature skin ageing, blemishes and can lead to diseases such as cancer.

As well as avoiding sunbathing when the sun is strongest, you should protect yourself with a good sun protection factor, and not just your face! Don’t forget to apply sunscreen to the eye area in both summer and winter.

In this article we will explain why sunscreen creams for the face and body are different and the importance of sunscreen for the eye area as well.

What will you find in this post?

  • The importance of protecting your face from the sun
  • Differences between sunscreen for the eye, face and body area
  • The importance of protecting the eye contour from the sun
  • How to apply sunscreen to the eye area

The importance of protecting your face from the sun

You need to sunbathe for your health. All the experts agree that 10 minutes on the inside of your forearms without protection is enough. Why should you protect the rest of your body and especially your face and also use sunscreen around your eyes?

The B side of solar radiation is premature ageing of the skin, spots and dehydration when you sunbathe without adequate protection. Wrinkles and skin pigmentation changes due to excess sun radiation can be visible on any part of your body, but where it is most apparent is usually on the face.

What is known as photodamage is also cumulative. The hours you spend in the sun today without protection will be visible in a few years’ time. So regardless of your current age, if you want to avoid premature spots and wrinkles you need sunscreen at any time of the year.

Protecting your skin, especially facial skin, is important, and not just from the sun. There are other factors such as pollution, blue light from the screens of electronic devices, cold, wind or heat that attack the skin on your face every day, dehydrating and ageing it.

Want to know more about the importance of protection? You will find very interesting information about these aggressions that your face suffers both in summer and winter and the importance of choosing the most suitable SPF protection factor in the article “Protect your skin from the sun and other external aggressions”.

Differences between eye, face and body sunscreens

The skin on your face does not have the same density and characteristics as the skin on the rest of your body. It is thinner, more sensitive and oilier. Therefore, cosmetics manufacturers design face creams that are lighter and more easily absorbed to avoid shine and clogged pores, which can lead to blackheads and pimples.

What happens if you use body sunscreen on your face? Because it’s a thicker, greasier cream, you’ll notice a whitish layer on your face that’s a bit uncomfortable and unsightly. It can also clog your pores, preventing your skin from breathing. And you may not be as protected from radiation, as it’s thicker, so you’ll put on less than you need.

Now that you know why you need a specific face cream, let’s ask the big question: Why do you forget to use sunscreen around your eyes?

Your answer is probably that every time you’ve done it, the cream has stung your eyes with sweat or water, right? You should look for a face cream that also allows you to protect this area so sensitive to premature ageing or, failing that, a specific cream for the eye contour with sunscreen.

The importance of protecting the eye contour from the sun

The skin around your eyes is the most sensitive skin on your body. It is where you first start to notice the signs of premature ageing and the appearance of wrinkles, puffiness and sagging.

Eye creams should be part of your daily beauty routine to provide the right hydration, nourishment and protection to this special area of your face. They are ophthalmologically tested to prevent eye discomfort.

Protecting the eye contour from the sun is very easy. You will find products for every age and skin type. In addition, choose one with a high protection factor (SPF50), especially in summer. Especially to avoid the effects of the sun’s harmful rays when you are bathing or sunbathing without sunglasses.

Toskani Sun Protection Cream is an all-in-one face cream that can also be applied to the eye area. With SPF50, Sun Protection Cream is very fluid and designed for all skin types, even the most delicate skin around the eyes.

How to apply sunscreen to the eye area

The eye contour cannot be applied like moisturiser or nourishing cream. You should avoid stretching the skin, as this will cause the area to distend and sag. Eye creams should be applied by gently tapping with the tip of your ring finger in a specific direction to encourage lymphatic drainage.

Would you like to learn how to apply your eye contour like the professionals? Find out here with a detailed diagram of the whole process and avoid the most common mistakes when applying this cream to the most delicate area of our face.

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